This is 3rd and last post on "Oracle Payable R12 Invoice Approval Workflow", for First and Second post please refer links
In addition to the feature that I have explained in part-1 and 2.
- Oracle Payable applies the validation rule to Invoice Approval process based on the setup we made in the Payable options like
- If we select "validate before approval" in Payable Options then system will not initiate the approval process untill invoice is validated, same is the case with "generate accounting before approval".
- In R12 now we can drill to Invoice lines/distributions from the approval Notifications and if required we have option to change the Amount or Quantity.In R12 Approver can now initiate the negotation process while doing the approval by means of changing the Amount or Quantity.
- While doing approval , if approver found some discrepencies in the amount or quantity , he can initate the Negotation process by means if chaning amountg or Quantity.
- Any change in Amount /Quantity will enable negotation button on the Approval Notification UI. After making change in the Amount and Quantity , approver inform Vendor by click the Negotation button , which in turns sent an email to suplier about the changes.
- Supplier has option to cancel the invoice and send a new invoice or can Re-Negotate the price again.
- Non-PO match invoice entered through iSupplier portal always go through the approval process ( as Status will alway sbe "required approval").
- For PO-Matched Invoices approver and approval process is based on the Setuo defined in Oracle Approval Management.
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