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Jul 7, 2024

In Oracle Data Integrator (ODI), what's the role of C$ tables? Under what circumstances does ODI create them?

 In Oracle Data Integrator (ODI), C$ tables are temporary tables used for staging data during the data integration process. They play a crucial role in facilitating data manipulation and transformation before loading it into the target system.

  • Purpose: C$ tables serve as a temporary storage area for data extracted from source systems. ODI utilizes these tables to perform transformations, filtering, and other operations before loading the final data set into the target.

  • Creation: ODI automatically creates C$ tables under specific circumstances during the data integration flow. This typically occurs when:

    • Knowledge Module (CKM) Usage: If your integration scenario involves data manipulation using the CKM, ODI might create C$ tables to hold intermediate data results.
    • Heterogeneous Data Sources: When dealing with data from multiple source systems with different structures, ODI often leverages C$ tables to stage and unify the data before further processing.
    • Specific Loading Strategies: Certain loading strategies within ODI, like using the "File to SQL" Knowledge Module (LKM) or performing joins on data from different sources, might trigger the creation of C$ tables.

C$ tables are created whenever ODI needs a temporary workspace to manipulate data before loading it to the target.

Some additional details about C$ tables:

  • Naming Convention: C$ tables follow a specific naming pattern typically starting with "C$" followed by an underscore ("_") and a unique identifier. This identifier can be a combination of numbers and letters depending on the context.
  • Structure: The structure of C$ tables generally reflects the columns and data types of the source data being processed. However, in some cases, ODI might add additional columns for internal processing purposes.
  • Lifetime: C$ tables are temporary and exist only for the duration of the current data integration session. Once the data is loaded into the target and the session completes, ODI automatically drops the C$ tables.

In simpler terms, C$ tables act as a behind-the-scenes mechanism for ODI to manage data during transformations and ensure smooth data flow to the target system.

What are the methods for managing E$ tables in ODI, specifically regarding their deletion?

ODI itself doesn't automatically delete E$ tables. These tables act as a historical record of errors and require manual intervention for management. In case you want to delete  E$ tables here are few options

Manual Deletion:

  1. This approach allows you to identify and delete specific E$ tables that are no longer needed. However, it's crucial to be cautious to avoid deleting relevant error data.
    1. Steps:
      1. Connect to your ODI repository database using a tool like SQL*Plus.
      2. Identify E$ tables by searching for table names starting with "E$". You can use wildcards (%) in your search query.
      3. Analyze the data within the E$ tables to determine if they contain valuable error information you still require.
      4. If deletion is appropriate, execute DROP TABLE statements for the E$ tables you want to remove.

Some Important Considerations before you delete E$ tables in ODI:

  • Before deleting E$ tables, ensure you understand the error data they contain and its potential value for future troubleshooting.
  • If you're unsure about the necessity of specific E$ tables, consider archiving them instead of permanent deletion.
  • Always back up your ODI repository before performing manual deletions or using cleanup utilities.

In Oracle Data Integrator (ODI), what's the purpose of E$ tables? How does ODI decide when to create them

 E$ tables in Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) are specifically designed to store error data encountered during the data integration process. They are not created under normal circumstances.

  • Purpose: E$ tables act as a repository for error details when data integration steps within ODI fail. This allows for troubleshooting and analysis of the encountered issues.

  • Creation: ODI creates E$ tables only under specific conditions, typically when the Knowledge Module (CKM) encounters errors during data manipulation. The CKM is responsible for various tasks like data validation, filtering, and transformation.

Key factors influencing E$ table creation by the CKM:

  • Flow Control Option: The CKM option named "Flow Control" needs to be enabled. This setting instructs the CKM to track data flow and capture errors.
  • Data Source and Strategy: E$ tables are typically created when dealing with single, non-journalized source datastores and using a truncate/insert or basic insert loading strategy (no updates or deletes).

In simpler terms, E$ tables are created only when:

  • You want to track data flow errors with the CKM.
  • You have a single source feeding data.
  • The loading approach involves a complete overwrite (truncate/insert) or a basic insert into the target.

If these conditions are not met, ODI won't create E$ tables, and error handling might be limited.

Mar 17, 2024

Connecting SuccessFactors to Oracle Fusion HCM via OIC

Integrating SuccessFactors, an SAP product, with Oracle HCM (Human Capital Management)  can offer a seamless and efficient solution for organizations looking to optimize their human resources processes. 

Our use case : One of our customer is leveraging SuccessFactors for managing its human resources, including employee data, performance evaluations, and talent management processes. However, the company has recently adopted Oracle Fusion HCM for its comprehensive suite of human capital management solutions. To ensure seamless data synchronization between the two platforms and avoid manual data entry, the company has decided to integrate SuccessFactors with Oracle Fusion HCM using Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC). 


The company receives regular updates from SuccessFactors in the form of .csv files containing employee data, and other relevant information. These .csv files need to be automatically ingested into Oracle Fusion HCM to ensure that employee records are up-to-date across both systems.

Process Flow

Implementation Steps

Trigger Event:

SuccessFactors generates a .csv file containing updated employee data, performance evaluations, and move the file to SFTP Server .

File Ingestion:

An OIC scheduled job triggered every 6 hour to monitor a specific folder ( on SFTP Server) where the .csv files from SuccessFactors are deposited and read all the .csv files available in folder .

Data Transformation and Mapping:

Upon detecting the .csv file, OIC extracts the data and performs necessary transformations/mappings/lookups  to ensure compatibility with Oracle Fusion HCM data structures.

Data mapping rules are applied to map fields from the .csv file to corresponding fields in Oracle Fusion HCM ( we have many options available HDL/Adapter /REST apis) , for our implementations we relied on REST APIs for all the validations and Create/Update operations.

Data Validation and Enrichment:

OIC validates the incoming data for accuracy, completeness, and consistency. Any missing or erroneous data is flagged for resolution

Integration with Oracle Fusion HCM:

The transformed and validated data is securely transmitted to Oracle Fusion HCM using OIC's /HCM REST apis. Oracle Fusion HCM receives the data  and execute following scenarios

  1. Once file received from SF and process by OIC , load data into a temp Table and move file to Archive folder 
  2. If Employee not exist in HCM then Create Employee
  3. If employee exists in HCM then Update the employee for 
    1. Name
    2. Email
    3. Work relation ship
    4. Assignment
    5. Assignment DFF
  4. If employee exists in HCM and Process flag is Termination then Terminate the employee
  5. If employee exists in HCM with status Terminated and Data process flag in the file is Rehire , then Rehire the employee
  6. If employee not exists in HCN and process flag = rehire then 
    1. Create Employee
    2. Terminate Employee 
    3. Rehire Employee
  7. Mark the record in TEMP table as Processed or Error.

Error Handling and Logging:

OIC includes robust error handling mechanisms to identify and handle integration errors, such as data format discrepancies or connectivity issues. Apart from that we have added email notification as well as logged errors in custom DB table ( form OIC).

Detailed logging and monitoring capabilities allow administrators to track the status of integration jobs, troubleshoot issues, and ensure smooth operation of the integration process.


Automated Data Synchronization: Eliminates manual data entry and ensures real-time synchronization of employee data between SuccessFactors and Oracle Fusion HCM.

Improved Data Accuracy: Reduces the risk of data errors and inconsistencies by automating data validation and enrichment processes.

Scalability: OIC's flexible and scalable architecture accommodates future growth and evolving integration needs as the company expands its workforce or adopts additional HR systems.