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May 23, 2011


In Seed workflow for Oracle Order Management FULFILL_LINE workflow activity is not Deferred activity , but once in a while we came across the issue where order lines stuck at FULFILL_LINE activity with status as DEFERRED. In such case executing thehworkflow background process will pick these lines and process them
There could be many reason for why FULFILL_LINE activity is in deferred status , but 2 very common that I have noticed are
1.User customized the workflow and mark this activity as DEFERRED by means of setting the cost > 0.50

2.While processing the Model and it's line for FULFILL_LINE activity  , if workflow background process not able to  lock all the lines of the model , it will set the status of the FULFILL_LINE  activity as Deferred.. Executing workflow background process AGAIN usually pick and lock all the lines and Model and  process them. But if executing WBP again and again still not progress the lines from FULFILL_LINE activity then their is possibility that Deferred queue for Order lines got corrupted and there  is need to rebuild the Deferred Queue ( Refere Note - 466535.1. about how to rebuild the queue).

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