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Jun 22, 2010

Behaviour Of Item Type Code in Order Management

This Post is about How Order Management Process various type of Items, For example
  1. Standard
  2. ATO - Model
  3. PTO - Model
  4. KIT  etc
Scope - Here I  want to highlight how and what Quantity fields
  • Shipping Quantity
  • Shipped Quantity
  • Fulfill Quantity
  • Invoiced Quantity 
populated during the Booking/Shipping and Invoicing Process.

Item Type Code = PTO Model

For PTO Model
#1 We SHip Option and Included items.
#2 Items with item type code Model/Class or not Shippable
#3 Shipped/Fulfilled quantity populated for all items.
#4 Shipping Qty Populated for Option/Included, Shipping qty is qty that we physiacally shipped from Shipping Module
#5 we Invoice Model and Option

Item Type Code = ATO Model

For ATO Model
#1 We SHip CINFIG item only and shipping Qty populated for it only.
#2 Class/Option/Model not Shipped and Shipping Qty NULL, Shipped and fulfilled qty populated for all item in Model.
#3 We Invoice Model and OPTION only.

Item Type Code = KIT
#1 We ship INCLUDED items and Invoice KIT , KIT is Not Shippable
#2 Shipping Qty Populated for INCLUDED and will be NULL for KIT
#3 Shipped/Fulfilled quantity populated for all items in KIT
#4 We Invoice KIT only and dont Invoice Included Items


  1. hello eoracleapps,

    how we can setup the KIT for use in Order Management?

    Thus, only the it appears in the Sales Order and the components of the KIT is generated in the shipping module?



  2. Hi Ben

    OM has designed in such a way when you enter a KIT , system will pull all the data from the BOM Module and populate the Order lines table.

    When you say KIT to be generated in the Shipping Module , do you mean the INCLUDED item populated in the OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL table at the time of shipping or you don't want to see these in OM table at all .
    In case you don't want to INSERT INCLUDED items for a KIT in OM then sorry that is not possible , but in case you don't want to see these INCLUDED item in OM UI ( but datat still exists in OM lines table), then their is a Profile Option OM: Show Line Details , if you set this to No , system will not show you the INCLUDED items.

    Down size of setting this 'No' is you will not able to see child items (included/option/class) etc for Model/KIT etc.
    But in such case you just select your model/Kit and then Tools > show Item details and system will show you all the info.

    Hope that Helps

  3. thanks eoracleapps

    i would like to setup a bom and place an order for the kit.

    what are standard setup and procedure to have a working kit on OM?



  4. Hi Ben

    Refer my new Post regarding Setup for KIT at
