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Nov 4, 2018

All records in a business object must belong to the same Bill. That is, they must all have the same Assembly Item Name, Organization and Alternate Designator.

Many a time while creating Bill of Material using Bom_Bo_Pub.process_bom  we encounter errors like All records in a business object must belong to the same Bill. That is, they must all have the same Assembly Item Name, Organization and Alternate Designator. 

As per update from Oracle documentation , this error occurred  because the variables for bom components were not being initialized for every run. Some earlier bill details are still stored, for subsequent runs. 

Reinitialize BOM components table object every run using the below: 

l_bom_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.bom_comps_tbl_type := Bom_Bo_Pub.g_miss_bom_component_tbl;

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