The purpose of this document is to describe how to default order type for orders created during the Oracle iStore checkout flow.
In R12, profile 'ASO: Default Order Type' is no longer used. The Operating Unit specific profiles have been obsoleted and are replaced by the corresponding Operating Unit-specific parameters , and we need to setup these quoting parameter to default Order Type.
The following procedure will setup the Quoting parameters for each Operating Unit:
1. Switch to HRMS Manager responsibility
2. Navigation to HRMS Manager > Work Structures > Organization > Description
3. In the Find Organization dialog box, specify the Operating Unit to set the parameters in the
Name field
4. For Organization Classification Name, select Operating Unit
5. Click Find
6. From the Organization Classifications section, select Operating Unit.
○ Ensure that the Enabled checkbox is selected.
7. Click Others.
8. On the Additional Organization Information dialog box, select Quoting Parameters
9. Click inside the Quoting Parameters field to display the Quoting Parameters dialog box with the
following fields:
○ Operating Unit – You need to select same OU from LOV that you have selected in #3.
○ Default Order Type
○ Default Salesrep
○ Default Sales Group
○ Default Sales Role
○ Default Contract Template
10. Specify a value for each of the parameters using the respective LOVs (In case you want to
default values for all these parameters , but in case you are interested only in
Order Type parameter then just enter value for that only). The LOVs for the
Default Order Type, Default Salesrep, and Default Contract Template are filtered by the
selected Operating Unit. The LOVs for the Default Sales Group and Default Sales Role are
based on the Default Salesrep parameter.
11. Click OK to save changes
12. This procedure must be used to set the Quoting parameters for each Operating Unit being
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