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May 15, 2013

Transaction flexfields for AutoInvoice in Oracle Receivables

Transaction flexfields

Transaction flexfields are descriptive flexfields that AutoInvoice uses to uniquely identify transaction lines.The definition of these flexfields is seeded and we should not modified
these, any change in the seeded definition of Transaction flexfields result in AutoInvoice fail.

Every Application Module that interact with Oracle receivable has it's own definition  Transaction flexfields , based on what information it is passing to AR.

like In Service Contracts R12i there are ten transaction flexfield segments defined ( as you can see in the screen shot) .These identify values that are passed to AR by the Service Contracts Main Billing program.
For Order Management there are 11 Segments and for Claims there are 7 etc.

In case we are integrating any 3rd party or legacy system to AR , best practice is to define a New definition of Transaction flexfields for Legacy system.
If you import transactions with AutoInvoice from a legacy system, you
can define a new context for the Line Transaction Flexfield to distinguish these
transactions from transactions that originated in Oracle applications.

How to access the definition of the Transaction flexfields -
Login to Oracle Application using the System Administrator responsibility complete the following navigation:

Application > FlexField > Descriptive > Segments.

Select "Oracle Receivables" as the Application and "Line Transaction Flexfield" for the Title and execute the find.

Once you execute the Find , System will display all the definition of the Transaction flexfields

Scroll to the Any Context like OKS CONTRACTS , ORDER MANAGEMENT ,CLAIMS etc and system will display the definition of transaction flexfields.
In my example I scroll down to Context = "OKS CONTRACTS" . You should see the following data for the ten segments:

Number   Name / Window Prompt             Column
------  -----------------------  --------------------------
  3     INSTANCE_NO                               INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE3
  4     BILLED_FROM                               INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE4
  5     BILLED_TO                                    INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE5
  6     AMOUNT                                        INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE6
  8     START_DATE                                  INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE8
  9     LINE_TYPE                                     INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE9

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