Below is script to drive the APPROVER name that is associated with a Quote.
API in this example drive the approver name from the list that AME(Oracle Approval Management ) module generate based in the Rules that we define in AME.
Note - Rules in AME are based on
Action Type
Approval group based on
l_complete VARCHAR2(1);
l_next_approvers ame_util.approversTable2;
l_next_approver ame_util.approverRecord2;
l_index ame_util.idList;
l_ids ame_util.stringList;
l_class ame_util.stringList;
L_Source Ame_Util.Longstringlist;
Ame_Api2.Getnextapprovers1(Applicationidin => 880, --for Oracle Quote
Transactiontypein => 'Quote', --for Oracle Quotes
transactionIdIn => '17356', -- Quote ID for which you want to check Approval
flagApproversAsNotifiedIn => ame_util.booleanFalse,
approvalProcessCompleteYNOut => l_complete,
nextApproversOut => l_next_approvers,
itemIndexesOut => l_index,
itemIdsOut => l_ids,
itemClassesOut => l_class,
Itemsourcesout => L_Source
dbms_output.put_line('nextApproversOut = '||l_next_approvers(1).name);
When i run your code i am getting this error
ReplyDeleteORA-01403: no data found
ORA-06512: at line 21
Why is that? I gave transactionid = requisition_header_id and applicationid = 201