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Jun 28, 2010

Sales Order KIT Setup and Order Creation

In this post I will highlight
  1. How to Setup Kit in Inventory and BOM.
  2. How to Create Sales Order for KIT.
this is a very brief post , for more details feel free to write me.

KIT Creation
  • Create a KIT item in your Master Organization ( we can create manually , but quick option is create that by means of copy the KIT Template).
  • Create the Included Items for the KIT
  • Assign KIT and Included items to your Transactional Inventory Organization.

Create KIT

From KIT

  1. Define BOM Structure in master Org and then either make it Common Bill to all Inventory Organization or Define it in your Transactional Organization (Copy it) as shown Below
From KIT
Sales Order Creation 
  1. Create Sales Order for KIT Item and then Save , System will retrieve all the INCLUDED items for KIT
  2. Please Note in KIT we have INCLUDED items , and there are no OPTIONS available.
  3.  System is displaying all the Items of the KIT because "Show Item Details" check box is checked.

From KIT

In case you don't want to see INCLUDED items of the KIT , Do the Setup for Unchecked "Show Items Details Check box on Tools Menu.
From KIT

Hope that helps


  1. Hi eoracleapps,

    I am not sure why the included items for my kit were not created in the sales order line. i checked also the show included items?

    I have created a BOM of the items for the kit as well.

    Did i miss a setup? Thanks.



  2. Step # 1
    Make sure you have Assign KIT and Included Item to your Transaction Inventory Organizations

    Setp #2
    Make Sure you have Define and assocaited BOM to Master as well as Transaction Inventory Organization.

    I am assumping that all the Items+KIT are in Price List

    If Step#1 and Step#2 are Correct then when you enter KIT and BOOK , you should be able to see KIT and it's INCLUDED Items.

  3. Hi,

    For components can we enter the decimal quanity in Kit Items?


  4. I guess not , but what is business need to define Qty in decimals?
