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Jun 25, 2011

Sales Quotes in Oracle Order Management.

In this blog I will explain in brief about Quotes Functionality Offered by Oracle Order Management Suite. Topics that I will cover here are
  1. Setup
  2. Defaulting Rule & Generation of Defaulting Rule (When Required).
  3. Profile setup.
  4. Transaction Type.
Data Flow from Quotes to OM Order.

Oracle Quotes offers limited capability to create Quotes and Progress it through the Negotiation phase and finally creates Sales Order.In case your Organization has complex / advance quoting needs you should Implement Oracle Sales Quoting.

One of advantage of Sales Quoting is that it enhance user experience , since it is part of OM , it retrieve all the relevant information from the Order management and once created and approved it creates Sales Order without much input from user.

In Oracle OM Quotes, Oracle has provided Negotiation , Customer Acceptance and Sale Order creation feature.

Following are features introduced in Oracle Quotes
1.Seeded Work flow ( Oracle has Introduced 2 worklfows ).
Workflow has introduced for the Order Header Type Only (OENH) , there is no Workflow for the Quote Lines.

  • Negotiation Flow - Generic - It Support Negotation , Customer Acceptance and Conversion of negotation into Sales Order
  • Negotiation Flow - Generic with Approval - It Supports Negotation , Internal Approval , Customer Acceptance and finally conversion into Sales Order.
With these workflow customer has flexibility to customized their Quotes process by adding or removing Functions.

2.Quote Exipiration Date - Every Quote has expiration date , once expiration date reached , Quotw will be expired and Quote Headre workflow is eligible for Purge.

1.Transaction Type Setup

2.Defaulting Rule Setup - This Defaulting Setup is required to populate the Transaction phase = "Negotation" in Order Header Form.Common Mistake in these area are (User forgot to generate the defaulting Rule after enabling this Rule).

3.Profile Setup - this is Not a required setup , unless their is business requirement .We can leave this as blank.

4.Transaction Types - Oracle has introduce folloing New transaction types for Quotes
Pending Internal Approval
Pending Customer Approval

Data Flow for OM Quotes
Create Quote - User Interface Similare to OM.When you save Quote , Quote status will be "Draft" and it indicate the negotation Phase.

Enter line details for quote , there will be no Line level workflow associated with Quote lines.

Quote Header Workflow is in Submit Draft Eligible Notified Status.

Once the negotation Process is complete , Progress the Quote header from the Negotation Phase

Quote status will be now "Pending Customer Approval".

Once receive confirmation from customer regarding Approval /rejection , approve or reject the quote.

Once Quote is Approve , It automatically converted in Sales order . System will Automatically Assign the Order Header level and line level workflow to Sales Order and Lines.
Order Header Workflow will be at "BOOK - ELIGIBLE" Notified and
Order Line Workflow will be at "Wait for Booking" Notified


  1. HI need query to find Number of orders that have been shipped and number of orders received. Need this broken out by country..

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  2. Hi i need quote conversion code .

    Please share with me if u have. Thank you so much!

  3. hi,
    Can we use Oracle Quoting HTML as part of functionality Offered by Oracle Order Management Suite

  4. hi, can we use Oracle Quote HTML responsibility for this functionality Offered by Oracle Order Management Suite

  5. hi,
    Can we use Oracle Quoting HTML as part of functionality Offered by Oracle Order Management Suite

  6. Quoting and Order Management are too different Modules , you can create Quote in HTML Quoting and then convert this into Sales Orders.

  7. Hello, is there a way to get an Quotation from the interface table oe_headers_iface_all ? regardsd

  8. Hi, there is some way to import QUOTE with run request 'Order Import' in OM -Order Management ?

  9. How to make setup to get difference quotation number and sales order number.

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