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Apr 9, 2013

Adding lines in a Closed Order to fulfill business Requirement

Recently someone asked
They have order which have 5 lines, 2 lines we shipped and invoiced successfully , remaining 3 lines accidently cancelled and order is also closed.
Now Business has need to Ship and fulfill those 3 lines that got cancelled accidently, business don't want to create New Order.
Solution - Though Not supported by Oracle , reason - we need to do an update on OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL table.
Once an Order is Closed it is not advisable to open the Order because Work flow is closed and open Flag = N, so good idea is to let this order closed and create a New Order.

Open the Order by setting open-flag = Y , but do not do any thing with workflow , let it be close ,Now add new lines to the Order , and then progress the newly created lines, at any moment of time , please not try to open the lines that are accidently closed , believe me that will be very messy .
Option #2 is advisable only and only if you don't have header level invoicing , but if you have header level invoicing then do not try to open the Order header . 
Once New lines are shipped and close we need to set the OPEN_FLAG= N at the Order Header Level manually again , as system will not  close the Order header ( reason , workflow is already closed).

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