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Jan 17, 2010

How to Check demand and Supply generated by Sales Order n PO respectively

In Oracle Order e-Business Suite, we are few very useful UI available.
When ever we create Sales Order It Create Demand and and when ever PO created in System , it create supply.

MTL_RESERVATION is table that record all these details.Below is one simple query for TECHNICAL consultants

select ph.segment1,a. supply_source_line_id, a.supply_source_header_id, a.supply_source_type_id,
a.demand_source_header_id, a.demand_source_line_id,
a.demand_source_name, a.demand_source_type_id
from mtl_reservations a, oe_order_lines_all l, po_headers_all ph
where a.demand_source_line_id = Sales_Order line_id --(Pls enter PARAMETER)
and l.line_id = a.demand_source_line_id
and a.supply_source_header_id = ph.po_header_id

above query take sales order as parameter and display the Supply and demand for a sales Order ( Good in case of B2B and Drop ship order).

Please note that above will not work as generic query.
FROM Functional point of view, we have UI in Inventory

Navigation -
                 Inventory -
                                Availability -

This UI will display us the DEMAND(SO) as well as SUPPLY (PO) .We can narrow down further based on SubInventory as well as various Source of Demand as well as Supply.

I will post the screen short of UI soon.

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