If some of order lines in a fulfillment set are closed/cancelled (because of data corruption) while other lines of same set are still open then this is true case of data corruption .In suce case open lines will got stuck in AWAITING FULFILLMENT.( Reason - Purpose of the Fulfillmet set is to fulfill all the lines in the set together, but if any of line is closed/cancelled then rest all lines will stuck at workflow activity FULFILL -NOTIFED or ERROR).
Solution - In such scenario only solution is to either remove close/cancel lines from fulfillment set or remove open lines fulfillment set.
If we remove close/cancel lines from FFset , then rest of the open line will fulfill together by just progressing one of the open line, but if we remove open lines from FF set then we need to progress each open line.
Technical Solution -
Delete data from OE_LINE_SETS for the line_id
Note - Contact Oracle Support for more details.
How to Progress lines - Most of the lines in this case will be at FULFILL - NOTOFIED/ERROR workflow activity.We can progress these line either by RETRY or SKIP FULFILL activity based on the staus of line.
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